Friday, April 19, 2013

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Integrated Electronics - Jacob Millman

 This is the book that is called as the 'Bible of electronics' from the great Jacob Millman. As one of my teachers said 
"Integrated electronics from Millman is not just a book explaining what is electronics, rather whatever is said in this book is called electronics"

Authors :  Jacob Millman
Publisher :
Tata McGraw-Hill Education 

Summary Of The Book

Millman's Integrated Electronics is a textbook written for engineering students who pursue the subject of Electronics. The book has been co-authored by three authors namely Jacob Millman, Christos Halkias, and Chetan D Parikh. This is a revised version of the book and has been updated thoroughly from the previous edition. It provides the reader with updated information and content on electronic circuits and technology. This new edition features completely updated information on various relevant topics. With an aim of providing a comprehensive account to its readers, the book also has enhanced pedagogy. The salient features of the book include its discussion on Integrated Circuits, Bipolar Fabrication Technology, and Integrated Circuits as Analog System Building Blocks. At the end of every chapter, the authors have provided simulation problems for the benefit of the readers. Moreover, the book consists of 242 solved examples, 574 review questions, 712 exercise problems, and 170 objective-type questions. Thus, it is an exhaustive guide for the students who wish to learn integrated electronics. The book begins with a preface to the adapted edition and a list of symbols has been provided for purposes of reference. Two appendices have been added towards the end of the book, and these appendices list the probable values of general physical constants, conversion factors, and prefixes.

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